How to Get an OCD Diagnosis UK

Our understanding of common mental health conditions has advanced dramatically over the past decade. Disorders were typically considered to have certain “fixed” symptoms.

Anyone who found descriptions of OCD relatable but didn’t exhibit these “classic behaviours” was refused a diagnosis. It was the same for other conditions like ADHD and autism – GPs followed a behaviour model that was based on a small and unrepresentative sector of the population.

We now know that the picture is far more nuanced.

If you’re wondering how to get an OCD diagnosis UK, you need to understand the process. Here’s how it works. 

Who to Approach

The first person you should speak to is your GP. They can refer you to an NHS psychologist who is a qualified doctor.

You may find that the first person you’re directed to isn’t a clinical psychologist. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is generally the first and most effective course of action for people experiencing symptoms that resemble OCD. It’s also an extremely helpful technique for people with OCD even after diagnosis – CBT helps you develop mechanisms to cope with obsessive-compulsive thoughts.

It can be frustrating when you’re figuring out how to get an OCD diagnosis UK. The NHS is effective, and its staff is the best you can get. But – it can be slow. You may wish to consult a private specialist to speed up the process. This is often a faster way to obtain a much-needed diagnosis.

What to Expect

When you speak to a clinical psychologist, they will ask you numerous questions. You may find that some of these questions sound like they’re describing “OCD archetypes” that don’t describe you – it’s important to remember that these questions are designed to identify easily observable and well-known signs of OCD. If you don’t answer yes to them, it doesn’t mean you won’t be taken seriously. The discussion will go into much greater depth.

If you’re worried that the doctor’s questions won’t identify the behaviours you see as obsessive-compulsive, it’s a good idea to prepare in advance. Here’s how.

How to Prepare

  • Build a list of common obsessive-compulsive behaviours you experience
  • Describe triggers and factors that make your OCD worse
  • Talk honestly about how you perceive obsessive-compulsive behaviours – how they make you feel
  • Give examples of situations where you’ve felt overwhelmed and have used obsessive-compulsive behaviours as a coping mechanism
  • Describe how long you’ve experienced these behaviours and how they’ve impacted your life over the years

Context means everything to clinical psychologists. If you provide this context, there’s a much better chance you’ll be understood and will get that life-changing diagnosis. It’s not an exam – but preparing to talk about your experiences means you can explain things on your terms rather than just answering a questionnaire.

Final Thoughts

If you’re wondering how to get an OCD diagnosis UK, you should seek expert assistance. OCD therapists can help you develop healthy mechanisms and understand what to look out for. It’s time to find the best cognitive behaviour therapists for OCD.


Cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective treatment for OCD disorders. This type of therapy teaches you how to modify the negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your condition. It also helps you develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Access CBT offer CBT treatment for all types of OCD, depressive and anxiety disorder issues with in-person OCD CBT Counselling in Liverpool or Online Support

The NHS UK also offers a number of support groups and advice for those suffering from OCD disorders.

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