What To Expect From CBT Treatment For Depression
Therapy for Depression Liverpool: More and more, depression is beginning to be understood in a much broader sense than simply being a disorder of the brain and more of a condition that involves a combination of biological, psychological, social and cultural factors.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been shown to be as effective a treatment for depression as antidepressant medication, but people are often unsure of what to expect when they begin CBT treatment. The avoidance, reduced activity, negative thoughts and low motivation that people experience as part of the depression often means that they will delay or avoid seeking help entirely.
I write this guide here so that you know exactly what to expect from CBT therapy for depression, to break down some of the concerns or worries you may have about treatment.
If you decide that you want to get help from us, either face to face or online, call us on 07887 701176, email [email protected] or via our contact page.

Treatments For Depression
The Cognitive Model of Depression works from the assumption that it is the way that we think about ourselves, the world and other people that contributes to and maintains depression.
The model suggests that we all develop a view of ourselves and the world through our experiences with it. Early experiences in our lives lead us to form a model of how and who we are and how we can relate to our world around us. As the world is not necessarily an easy place to live in, we develop rules and assumptions to help us through.
The Cognitive Model of Depression then goes on to suggest that if we are presented with a situation in which one of our rules or assumptions no longer fit our experience, then this will activate deeper “Core Beliefs” or “Schema”, which then give rise to the depressive symptoms.
Behavioural Activation for Depression
Behavioural activation for depression is another CBT approach to depression which has been tested and shown to be an effective treatment.
Unlike the Cognitive Model of Depression, Behavioural Activation places less of an emphasis upon the thoughts that we have whilst we are depressed and focuses more upon the changes in our behaviour. As mentioned earlier, when we get depressed, we tend to withdraw, isolate ourselves and avoid places, people and situations because of how we feel.
This is in part understandable. If I am not experiencing things that make me happy, or even worse, if the things in my life are actually making me feel worse, then it is an understandable response to avoid things and to retreat to a place where I feel less unhappy. The problem is though, while retreat from painful life events can make me feel relief in the short term, over the longer term this behaviour can cause me to miss out on the things in life that might event make me feel good. I back off from stressful life events, I do less, I don’t experience others things that might make me feel better and a cycle ensues.
In addition, as I reduce my activity and avoid stressors, this gives me more time to dwell upon my negative thoughts, which in turn increases my low mood. Because I’m avoiding my problems, they also don’t get resolved meaning they stay the same or get worse. And here we have our second “maintenance” cycle.
Urgent mental health support for depression in Liverpool
Access CBT offers support to manage and improves the symptoms of depression in everyday life. Depression is a common mental health problem and can be addressed with peer support groups, psychological therapies, and medication.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help people manage their depression by changing the way they think, feel and behave. CBT is usually delivered in weekly sessions over a period of 3-6 months, either in individual or group settings.
For those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or who need urgent help we suggest a self referral to a relvent NHS service. Once the urgent crisis is over we can provide support via group sessions or one on one counselling
CBT Services For Specific Topics in Liverpool

CBT For Depression
More and more, depression is beginning to be understood in a much broader sense than simply being a disorder of the brain and more of a condition that involves a combination of biological, psychological, social and cultural factors.

CBT For Anxiety
We all experience a degree of anxiety or worry at some point in our lives – It’s part of being human. But what about those times when the anxiety seems to never leave us? Or when we just can’t seem to put the worry out of our head?

CBT For Social Anxiety
After depression and generalised anxiety, social anxiety disorder is the 3rd most common mental health disorder. However, due to the very nature of the problem, treatment for social anxiety disorder is not always sought.

CBT For Anger Management
Anger, like sadness, fear and disgust is an emotion and is hardwired into each of us through many, many years of evolution and, believe it or not, can serve a positive purpose.

Post-Traumatic stress disorder is a clinical term for a specific set of symptoms which can develop following a traumatic life event. CBT has a well-developed body of evidence to support its effectiveness in treating PTSD.

Panic Disorder
When Panic attacks become a frequent event in our lives and they lead to us waiting for them to happen or having a negative impact on how we live our lives and our mental health, then we may be experiencing Panic Disorder.
We can also help those outside the Liverpool area with:

CBT For Depression In Liverpool
Depression is the most common mental health disorder in the UK, with as many as 3 million people in the UK being presently diagnosed with the condition.
Many don’t seek help. Others seek help but are prescribed antidepressant medication. Some seek access to talking therapies for depression.
Here, we are going to look at one of the first line talking therapies for depression, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and how modern CBT techniques can help alleviate the symptoms of depression and keep them gone for good.

Online CBT Therapists
We offer professional online therapy via an appointment-based system to deal with a number of mental health issues and negative patterns. Our cognitive behavioural therapists are here to help you through your mental health journey. Once booked in we will set up a secure video link.
With one off or regular online therapy sessions a person can engage with their current problems and deal with their negative thoughts or difficulties with life experiences.
Feel free to contact us and a professional CBT therapist will get in contact with you to book an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been shown to be as effective a treatment for depression as antidepressant medication.
What To Expect From CBT Treatment For Depression
Therapy for Depression Liverpool: More and more, depression is beginning to be understood in a much broader sense than simply being a disorder of the brain and more of a condition that involves a combination of biological, psychological, social and cultural factors.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been shown to be as effective a treatment for depression as antidepressant medication, but people are often unsure of what to expect when they begin CBT treatment. The avoidance, reduced activity, negative thoughts and low motivation that people experience as part of the depression often means that they will delay or avoid seeking help entirely.
I write this guide here so that you know exactly what to expect from CBT therapy for depression, to break down some of the concerns or worries you may have about treatment.
If you decide that you want to get help from us, either face to face or online, call us on 07887 701176, email [email protected] or via our contact page.
Treatments For Depression
The Cognitive Model of Depression works from the assumption that it is the way that we think about ourselves, the world and other people that contributes to and maintains depression.
The model suggests that we all develop a view of ourselves and the world through our experiences with it. Early experiences in our lives lead us to form a model of how and who we are and how we can relate to our world around us. As the world is not necessarily an easy place to live in, we develop rules and assumptions to help us through.
The Cognitive Model of Depression then goes on to suggest that if we are presented with a situation in which one of our rules or assumptions no longer fit our experience, then this will activate deeper “Core Beliefs” or “Schema”, which then give rise to the depressive symptoms.
Behavioural Activation for Depression
Behavioural activation for depression is another CBT approach to depression which has been tested and shown to be an effective treatment.
Unlike the Cognitive Model of Depression, Behavioural Activation places less of an emphasis upon the thoughts that we have whilst we are depressed and focuses more upon the changes in our behaviour. As mentioned earlier, when we get depressed, we tend to withdraw, isolate ourselves and avoid places, people and situations because of how we feel.
This is in part understandable. If I am not experiencing things that make me happy, or even worse, if the things in my life are actually making me feel worse, then it is an understandable response to avoid things and to retreat to a place where I feel less unhappy. The problem is though, while retreat from painful life events can make me feel relief in the short term, over the longer term this behaviour can cause me to miss out upon the things in life that might event make me feel good. I back off from stressful life events, I do less, I don’t experience others things that might make me feel better and a cycle ensues.
In addition, as I reduce my activity and avoid stressors, this gives me more time to dwell upon my negative thoughts, which in turn increases my low mood. Because I’m avoiding my problems, they also don’t get resolved meaning they stay the same or get worse. And here we have our second “maintenance” cycle.
Urgent mental health support for depression in Liverpool
Access CBT offers support to manage and improves the symptoms of depression in everyday life. Depression is a common mental health problem and can be addressed with peer support groups, psychological therapies, and medication.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help people manage their depression by changing the way they think, feel and behave. CBT is usually delivered in weekly sessions over a period of 3-6 months, either in individual or group settings.
For those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or who need urgent help we suggest a self referral to a relvent NHS service. Once the urgent crisis is over we can provide support via group sessions or one on one counselling
Overview Of Fundamental CBT Treatments
Therapy for Depression Liverpool: This is an overview of the fundamental CBT treatments for Depression. Other “Third Wave” offshoots of CBT such as Mindfulness-Based CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focused Therapy are also rapidly demonstrating their effectiveness as treatments for Depression too and are covered elsewhere on the site.
Can body dysmorphic disorder cause depression and anxiety?
Body dysmorphic disorder usually doesn’t go away by itself. If left untreated, it may get worse and cause issues like anxiety, mental health issues, severe depression, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
Do you offer support to young people with mild anxiety or depression?
Any young person or their parents can contact us and we would be more than happy to see if we can help or provide you with contact details for a relevant NHS service.
What are the physical symptoms of depression?
There are a number of mental health problems associated with depression, including:
- -Changes in appetite or weight
- -Sleeping too much or too little
- -Loss of energy or fatigue
- -Restlessness or slowed movements and thinking
- -Physical aches and pains
- -Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness.
Can body dysmorphic disorder cause depression and anxiety?
Body dysmorphic disorder usually doesn’t go away by itself. If left untreated, it may get worse and cause issues like anxiety, mental health issues, severe depression, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
Do you offer support to young people with mild anxiety or depression?
Any young person or their parents can contact us and we would be more than happy to see if we can help or provide you with contact details for a relevant NHS service.
What are the physical symptoms of depression?
There are a number of mental health problems associated with depression, including:
- Changes in appetite or weight
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Loss of energy or fatigue
- Restlessness or slowed movements and thinking
- Physical aches and pains
- Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness.
Access CBT Clinic - Mental Health Professionals
Access CBT is an organisation based in Liverpool but helps people all over the world with online therapy and panic disorder therapist wellbeing resources. We work with people with all types of physical health problems and mental health difficulties. We offer professional strategies and services to improve mental wellbeing for short term goals and long term support.
We have expertise in CBT but also many other disciplines such as EMDR and ACT.
Feel free to contact us today to talk about appointments & sessions
Other Therapies in Liverpool

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) in Liverpool, is a specialist type of psychotherapy that has been shown in clinical trials to be an effective treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and other trauma-related life problems.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Liverpool– Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a “Third Wave” form of CBT and is the perfect alternative for people who have tried more traditional CBT (perhaps through an IAPT service) and have not achieved the desired results in their life.

CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) in Liverpool- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT is a type of psychotherapy which aims to resolve problems of the patient by identifying and changing unhelpful patterns of thinking, feelings and behaviour.