How To Stop Enabling OCD

Living with a loved one suffering from OCD can be exhausting emotionally, but you don’t want to make things worse for them. However, giving in to requests and accommodating their compulsive behaviours may hurt them more than it helps. 

How can you learn to stop enabling your loved one and combat the effects of OCD? Read on to learn more.

The Dangers of Accommodation

You might think that allowing, or even encouraging, your loved one’s OCD behaviours will help them stay calm and release stress. For a moment, you’re right, but the long-term effects can be detrimental. Giving in to requests and compulsions could make symptoms worse for both the sufferer and their families.

So what are the other options? Seeing your loved one in distress can make you uncomfortable, but sometimes it’s a necessary step towards recovery and breaking the cycle of OCD in their lives. Here’s what you can do to help.

Set Boundaries

This process can be frustrating or disheartening for some, but it’s necessary to maintain your household. Sit down with your loved one and set healthy boundaries with them about their OCD rituals

Draw the line of where you can and cannot continue to enable their actions, such as deciding not to wash your hands every time your loved one does it without reason. If having guests over interrupts rituals, explain to them that you cannot plan around their compulsions, but you will work through them.

Celebrate the Little Things

Reassurance plays a big role in OCD, and constantly needing to give it may be exhausting and frustrating. However, do not underestimate the importance of showing support for little things. If you notice your loved one making an effort to avoid a compulsion, celebrate that with them!

This doesn’t mean you should ignore them unless they make strides towards improving your circumstances, but encouraging progress may help speed things along and get things moving in the right direction. Constant reassurance to accommodate OCD can be harmful, but genuine reassurance may be beneficial.

Look After Yourself

The most important thing you can do to help a loved one with OCD is to stop compromising on your peace of mind so that you do not continue to enable their behaviours. Set time aside to take care of yourself and maintain your mental health. This can be as simple as taking a walk or more detailed, like meeting with a professional to discuss your feelings.

No matter what yourself-careis, it’s important to make time for it. OCD may be overwhelming when a loved one suffers from it, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer, too. The best way you can help is to ensure you’re in the right place to do so.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know how to stop enabling OCD, you’re ready to begin the recovery process. You shouldn’t have to change every aspect of your life to accommodate compulsion, and you don’t have to. Show your loved one some support and help them regain control of their day-to-day life.


Cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective treatment for OCD disorders. This type of therapy teaches you how to modify the negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your condition. It also helps you develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Access CBT offer CBT treatment for all types of OCD, depressive and anxiety disorder issues with in-person OCD CBT Counselling in Liverpool or Online Support

The NHS UK also offers a number of support groups and advice for those suffering from OCD disorders.

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